February 1 2016
ALBANY, NY – Assemblyman Joe Giglio says one of the important points that came out of the New York State Assembly study on heroin that was released last week, was that more than one member of law enforcement told state lawmakers that “no amount of arrests will stop the heroin problem”.
Giglio believes that there has to be more done medically. “It is good to shed some more light on this terrible epidemic, but we have more work to do if we want to solve the problem,” said Giglio. “Enacting the changes recommended in our HELP Plan, such as increasing education and awareness, giving hospitals and rehab centers better tools to treat addiction, and making improvements to our criminal justice and judicial systems is only the first step. I urge everyone to become more involved with this issue. Only by facing this together can we succeed.”
Click here to read the report.
Giglio will be on this morning’s Newsmaker Show to discuss the report that was issued last week, about heroin.