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Gov. Cuomo Wants Investigations Into Bomb Centers At Jewish Centers

February 27, 2017


“Today we witnessed another round of bomb threats, this time directed at Jewish Community Centers in Tarrytown, Staten Island, New Rochelle, and Plainview, which appear to be part of a recent wave of threats against JCCs in New York and across the country.

“Make no mistake: these reprehensible and cowardly attacks are not limited to the Jewish community. They are assaults on all New Yorkers and I vow that we will do everything in our power to catch those responsible for this wave of hate crimes.

“In response to these anti-Semitic attacks, I am ordering the State Police to work with our federal and local law enforcement partners to investigate these threats and apprehend those responsible. Last week, my administration announced among other measures a $25 million grant program to boost safety and security at New York’s schools and day care centers at risk of hate crimes or attacks because of their ideology, beliefs or mission.

“I share the pain and the outrage of so many New Yorkers who are affected directly and those who are sickened by watching these attacks unfold. We will not allow anyone to intimidate or strike fear in the state of New York. The full force of government will be brought to bear in these efforts and these perpetrators will be punished.”

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