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Mark Alger Announces His Retirement From Steuben County

June 22, 2015

BATH, NY – Steuben County Legislative spokesperson Mary Perham reports that after 36 years of public service, county Manager Mark Alger stepped down Monday, to high praise from federal, state and local officials.

Mark Alger COLOR

“We thank you for your service to the people of this county,” said county Legislature Chairman Joseph Hauryski, R-Campbell. “Your hard work and unfailing efforts on behalf of the good of the people are very much appreciated. You will be missed.”

State Senator Tom O’Mara, R-Big Flats, state Assemblyman Phil Palmesano, R, Corning, state Assemblyman Bill Nojay, R-Lakeville, and a representative from U.S. Rep. Tom Reed, R-Corning, and local economic leaders attended the regular session of the Legislature Monday to note Alger’s accomplishments.

Alger first came to work for Steuben in the Planning Department in 1979, and in 1984 was appointed as the first county Administrator in county history.

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