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Gov Hochul: There Will Be Bail Reform Changes

March 17, 2022

ALBANY, NY – Governor Kathy Hochul, during a press conference this morning, and in answer to a reporters question regarding bail reform, that bail reform is going to have some changes made to it. “Changes were made,” Hochul said. “I will absolutely stand behind the fundemental premise on why we needed bail reform in the first place, and I’ve also said that if reforms are needed, based on data, I’m willing to have those conversations.”

The New York Post got a copy of the governor’s memo on bail reform changes. Summing up what the Post says, it’s a 10 point plan that makes it easier for judges to hold criminals on bigger crimes. Click here for the full report from the NY Post.

Wlea News Got The Following Reaction From Upstate Officials –
Assemblyman Joe Giglio: “Bail reform needs to take on more than just gun crime. It needs to give more power back to judges, there is also a whole discovery part of bail reform that has not been mentioned, there are different protocols that the police are forced to follow that are not mentioned. There is nothing mentioned about petty crime and what is going on there.”

Alfred Police Chief Paul Griffith:“From what I’ve been reading so far, I don’t see that these changes are going to make any real or big immediate impact. They might with some of the bigger crimes, I guess it remains to be seen what they put in.”

State Senator George Borrello:“After hearing the governor say she is going to try to address some of the aspects of bail reform, I can only say, it’s the ultimate hypocrisy. This radical, far-left ideology that has made New York State far more dangerous, and now they’re starting to realize that it’s having a negative impact on New York City. Now, the governor is looking to shamelessly walk it back?”

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