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Livingston Co Man Charged With DWI In Hornellsville

August 18, 2022

From The Steuben County Sheriffs Dept:

Steuben County Sheriff Jim Allard reports that on August 15, Steuben County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested David P. Werdein, age 63, of Sand Hill Road, Caledonia, New York, following an investigation of a reported disabled vehicle on SR 36, Town of Hornellsville, New York. It is alleged that Mr. Werdein operated a motor vehicle while in an intoxicated condition. It is further alleged that Mr. Werdein crashed into a guide rail in Livingston County, left the scene, and subsequently left his vehicle on SR 36 in the Town of Hornellsville. Mr. Werdein was charged with Driving While Intoxicated, Operating a Motor Vehicle with Greater than .08% Blood Alcohol Content, Leaving the Scene of a Property Damage Crash and Moving From Lane Unsafely. Mr. Werdein was released on traffic summons to appear in the Hornellsville Town Court at a later date.

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