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Long Island Lawmaker Introduces More Guns Law Bills

October 16, 2015

ALBANY, NY – Time Warner Cable News reports that there are five gun control measures that  Assemblyman Charles Lavine (D, Long Island) introduced on the assembly floor this morning.  The legislation, if passed, would:

Make anyone convicted of a crime while having access to an illegal firearm or “lethal device” such as hand grenade will have to first complete a sentence for an underlying crime committed and then a 10-year consecutive sentence.

Require a new mandate who those who have been declared mentally unfit to possess a gun by requiring they have a psychiatric evaluation before their firearm is lawfully restored.

Seek to curtail so-called “ghost guns” that do not have serial numbers are not made by licenses manufacturers.

Allow families to have a judge order the confiscation of a family member’s guns after demonstrating the relative is in danger of harming themselves or others.

Seek to impose a “measure of accountability” on gun makers themselves by requiring them track through statistical data how many of their firearms have been sold and distributed in New York.

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie is reportedly not thrilled with this legislation, and does not think there is much interest in it.

Click here to read full story from TWC.

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