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O’Mara And Palmesano On Alstom/Amtrak Deal

August 27, 2016

Assemblyman Phil Palmesano issued the following statement on Friday:
“It’s not often that we have the opportunity to celebrate the creation of 400 new local manufacturing jobs. I’m hopeful this will just be the start of bigger and better things for the revitalization of the Southern Tier’s manufacturing sector. Hornell Alstom’s manufacturing of Amtrak’s new line of Acela high-speed trains represents a major and much needed shot in the arm for the local and regional economies. It will ensure that the facility continues to stand strong as an economic lifeline for Alstom employees and their families, and the entire Hornell area. I simply can’t express my appreciation enough to the Alstom officials, Senator Schumer, Congressman Reed, Governor Cuomo, Mayor Hogan, Senator O’Mara, Assemblyman Nojay and the entire team of federal, state and local leaders who provided support every step of the way.”

State Senator Tom O’Mara:
“The fact that the new Alstom-Amtrak contract has been signed, sealed and delivered is cause for celebration in Hornell and across the Southern Tier. The creation of 400 manufacturing jobs at Alstom simply can’t be overstated. It’s vitally important to the Southern Tier economy, for Alstom’s workers and their families, and to the entire Hornell area. It represents another, timely foundation of manufacturing on which we can continue to build job growth in Steuben County, across the region and throughout Upstate New York. It speaks volumes about the quality of Alstom and its local workforce. Together with many other local leaders, I appreciate the perseverance of Alstom officials, Senator Schumer, Congressman Reed, Mayor Hogan, Hornell IDA Executive Director Jim Griffin and so many others.
Simply put, this job creation contract makes a huge difference for the future of economic development across the region.”

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