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Accident In Alfred, Driver Charged With DWI/Drugs

September 10, 2020

From Alfred Police Chief Paul Griffith:

Type of Investigation: DWI drugs
Date and Time: 09/09/2020 at 2:30pm
Location: Main Street Village of Alfred NY
Subject: Linda Moore 49yr from Limestone NY

DWAI/drugs, unregistered motor vehicle, uninsured motor Vehicle, Failure to keep right, consumption of an alcoholic beverage in a motor vehicle

Court: Alfred Village Court
Status: released on appearance tickets

Details of the Incident:
A two-car head on accident happened on main street in the Village of Alfred in front of Dukes Pizza and the Alfred Pharmacy. Linda Moore exited her lane and crossed into the oncoming lane and struck another vehicle head on. Linda was arrested for being under the influence of drugs along with several other VTL violations and processed and released by the Alfred Police Department. Alfred Ambulance transported the other driver to St. James hospital in Hornell.

On a side note the Alfred Police Department would like to thank the community members that assisted with this accident. Several members of the community had help both drivers from their vehicles and were attending to them. The pharmacist was helping with traffic control and a couple of college students were attending to Linda Moore’s puppy that she had in her vehicle. The Alfred Village DPW also assisted with traffic control until emergency personal and University Police arrived. Later into the incident the college student kept the puppy while she was taken into custody. Also, a Thank You to Dukes Pizza owner for handing out drink to the responders and people assisting with this incident. And yes, the puppy was OK she had no injuries and was returned to Moore when she was released from custody.

Investigated by: The Alfred Police Department/ assisted by Alfred State University Police, Alfred Fire and members of the Alfred Community.
Released to: All Media

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