March 21, 2025
By Alfred State College Spokesperson Paul Welker
Pair of events planned to benefit employee affected by fire
ALFRED, NY – A pair of events have been planned to assist the Warner family who lost their home recently in a fire. The culinary arts department will host a drive thru pulled pork dinner while the western equestrian team will host an Easter Open House.
The pulled pork dinner on Thursday, March 27 on the Wellsville campus (2530 River Road, Wellsville, NY). The $10 dinner (cash only) includes a pulled pork sandwich, macaroni & cheese, coleslaw, and a cookie. There will also be a baked good table set up with cookies, brownies, and pies. The drive thru dinner will take place between 3 – 5:30 p.m.
Make any donation to get involved in the western equestrian Easter Open House on March 29 (Noon – 2 p.m.). Visitors will get to meet Peter Rabbit and his horse, participate in an egg hunt, meet all the horses, and participate in arts and craft activities. Pony Rides will be available for $5. All the activities will take place at 2326 Karr Valley Rd. in Almond.
Della Warner, a longtime employee of ACES, oversees the Rig on the Wellsville campus.