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Arkport Central’s Three Props

May 11, 2016


Arkport, NY – The budget numbers are in and will be put to the voters next Tuesday, May 17 from 11am to 8pm at the Arkport Central School gymnasium, 35 East Avenue in Arkport. Arkports proposed budget is $10,344,506 which is actually a spending decrease of $237,701 or 2.2%. Taxpayers in the district are looking at a tax levy increase of $81,296 or a 2.4%.

Because the budget’s proposed tax levy exceeds the maximum allowed for the district under the state’s tax levy limit law—an increase of 1.1 percent or $44,207—a supermajority greater than 60 percent of voters must approve for the measure to pass.

On the ballot will be three propositions:

2016-17 school budget proposition totaling $10,344,506

School vehicle purchase proposition $115,000.

One seat on the Arkport Board of Education.

Also at Wednesday night’s board of Education meeting, Superintendent Glenn Niles went over the results of online surveys conducted earlier this year. The district partnered with School Communications Performance Evaluation (SCoPE) Surveys to administer three surveys – one each for community, faculty/staff and parents/families – to help Arkport evaluate the effectiveness of its communication with these groups.

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