McManus Responds To Buckley’s Appearance on WLEA Saturday Show
May 26, 2014
Hornell 9th Ward Alderman John Buckley (R), appeared on WLEA on Saturday morning.
Buckley, on Top Story, criticized 6th Ward Alderman Dan McManus. John Buckley spoke of the Dan McManus newsletter statements about the Prindle Avenue Apartments. Buckley spoke against the newsletter, saying McManus should be welcoming Fraser and the improvements to the Prindle Avenue Apartments. “I just don’t know what he was thinking,” Buckley said. “The median income of the tenants of this building was $55,000.”
McManus stands by his newsletter, but disputes Buckley’s claim about the use of the phrase, riff-raff. “The comments I made in my newsletter were concerns brought to me by the longstanding residents of Prindle Avenue,” McManus told WLEA News in an email. “To include: noise issues, parking issues, and ‘riff raff’ issues.”
The part of the April 30th Alderman McManus newsletter to 6th Ward residents, that mentions the Prindle Avenue Apartments can be read below:
“Prindle Avenue, thanks to the newly remodeled apartment complex there, is having major issues as far as parking/noise/trash/riff-raff/ etc. I will continue to work diligently on a solution. I bet if city hall would have surveyed the neighborhood before they authorized the remodel, our good and longstanding homeowners in that area would have given a resounding NO to fixing it up (it sure would have been a great parking lot and small green space with a couple park benches, but I’m just the new guy, what do I know).”
Prindle Avenue Apartments owner Hewan Fraser maintains it’s an upper scale apartment building, with high income tenants.