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Canisteo-Greenwood Budget: 22.5 Million

April 7, 2015

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CANISTEO, NY – The Canisteo-Greenwood School Board heard from officials with Labella and Associates at the Monday night school board meeting.  According to Labella and Associates, work is on schedule, the kitchen equipment is in place and functioning, though some exterior work still needs to be done.

They also say that 96 percent of the work is complete, and that out of the current budget of 6.8 million, they’ve used around 5.5 million.

Canisteo-Greenwood Superintendent Jeremy Pallotti says the school system got a major reduction in building aid from the state, but an increase in transportation aid.  School officials say that the maximum tax cap allowed for Canisteo-Greenwood this year is 1.6 percent.

The school system is looking at a 1.6 percent tax increase.  the budget approved by the Canisteo-Greenwood school board: $22,576,633.

The vote on the budget by the public will be Tuesday May 19th. There will be 4 props on the ballot: prop 1 is the budget, prop 2 is a repair reserve, prop 3 is about the library, and prop 4 is about two board seats.

School officials seemed pleased that there were no staff cuts.

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