December 8th, 2014
Canisteo, N.Y. – The Canisteo-Greenwood board of Education heard another update from Labella Associates on the current capital project Monday evening. Currently receiving the bulk of the work is the high school kitchen/cafeteria. Most of the plumbing, large kitchen appliances, wall framing is in place with wall and floor finishing, mechanical and electrical work, doors, and stairs left to be finished in January. When ask about a completion date reps from Labella said they are still about one month behind schedule and are trying to pick up the pace to get back on track.
Also Superintendent Jeremy Palotti suggested to the board that the district conduct an internal audit on assets, payroll, purchases, and paperwork so as to when the state decides to conduct theirs there won’t be any surprises. The board agreed.
On a final not Palotti told the board they are currently “in the thick” of putting together a budget for the 2015-16 school year and that they are not very optimistic about the amount of aid they will be receiving from the state. One faculty member point out that the 2014-15 budget was passed during an election year and those aid numbers might not be as high for the upcoming year.
Below Canisteo Board of Education Pose for a Photo Monday Evening
Across town the Canisteo town board met for their monthly meeting Monday evening and heard a presentation from highway superintendent Carl Howland about their options on purchasing a new truck for the town.
After reviewing all options and prices presented a resolution was passed to purchase an International 10 wheel truck with all snow accessories for a little over $200,000. It is the boards understanding that after all grant, chips, and other funding are in they will be able to purchase the truck debt free.
The board also decided to put off bidding on a new roof for the town hall until this summer as that’s when the work would start and bids made now could possibly go up by the time work starts.
And a final resolution was passed allowing the town to sell conservation licenses in 2015.
Below Canisteo Town Highway Superintendent Carl Howland at Monday Nights Town Hall Meeting