Canisteo Man Accused Of Getting Into Domestic Dispute
December 26, 2013
WHEELER, NY – State Police report the arrest of Kenneth Mikko, 26, of 40 Maple Street, Canisteo.
Mikko was charged with Burglary 2nd, Endangering the Welfare of a Child, Criminal Mischief 4th and Harassment 2nd.
Troopers say that on December 19, Mikko is believed to have driven to his ex-girlfriend’s residence, and attempted to enter, however, the ex-girlfriend would not let him in. According to State Police, Mikko broke a window trying to get in, flying glass from the window, causing the glass to stike a 1 year old child c(ausing a minor cut to the child’s ear).
State Police say that Mikko then kicked a door open, and entered the house, allegedly hitting his ex-girlfriend several times. Mikko was arrested and then arraigned before the Town of Urbana Court and committed to the Steuben County Jail in lieu of $10.000.00 cash/$20,000.00 property bond.