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Canisteo Weighs Village Wide Garbage Pickup

May 15th, 2018

CANISTEO, NY – The village of Canisteo held a Public Hearing last night on the possibility of converting to a village wide garbage pickup program. Currently the village has no program, as all residents are required to dispose of their garbage at their own time and convenience, with most residents planning a trip to the Hornell Transfer Station twice a month.

Under the new proposal, residents would have their garbage picked up weekly by a company such as Drakes, Lippincott’s, or Casellas for a set monthly fee. Canisteo Village Mayor Monica Recktenwald explained that the bids varied widely for the service, with one company charging as much as $28-$32 a month, all the way to down to the lowest bidder charging as little as $16-$18 for the same service.

Recktenwald made it clear that she is neither for nor against the idea, but simply is seeking opinions on whether to move forward. The Public Hearing had approximately 5-7 residents who were mostly against it, reasoning being that some residents only lived in the village during the summer months and would not want to pay a garbage fee while out of the area, and also just the idea of the added tax on their water bills that if not paid would eventually be turned over to the county an considered as unpaid taxes.

Recktenwald did state she currently pays about $25-$27 a month to have her garbage disposed of, and in situations like hers resident would save a few dollars. No decisions were made as the village will be seeking further opinions on the matter.

In other news village trustee Grant Seaman announced the Canisteo PD recently picked up the funding and will soon have a K-9 unit in place. Seaman noted that this will be at no added expense for village taxpayers.

Household income surveys were completed May 5th and 6th , and the board is anticipating those results within the next few weeks. Also ongoing are rental housing inspections and the search for junk vehicles.

The board was happy to announce that all the Bollards are in place in the downtown park and soon they will have electrical outlets installed in many of them, just in time for the annual Crazee Daze activities. Summer Rec dates were set starting July 9th through August 17th from 12pm to 3pm at the Canisteo Elementary school.

And finally Fire elections were held and Brent Bixby will assume the role as Fire Chief, Al Woodward and Dave Woodworth assistant Fire Chiefs, and Captains Gerry Ross, Tyler Murphy, Greg Woodworth, Bev Vantrease and Eric Stanford.

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