November 7, 2023
It’s election day Tuesday November 7 – and the polls are open 6am to 9pm tonight. Voting on election day for all Hornell wards, is at the Hornell Community Arts Center. Voting in Canisteo is at Somers Hall. In Fremont, it’s at the Fremont Town Hall. For Hornellsville votings is at the Station Church in North Hornell and at Arkport Village Hall.
The biggest races in the Caniseto Valley area is about the race for control of the Hornell Common Council, a contest between Hornell Republicans and Hornell Democrats. In Bath, all eyes are on the race between the incumbent Bath Town Supervisor Ron Smith (Conservative) and Joshua Buck (Republican).
As for the propositions on the ballot: there are two statewide props. NYS Prop One is an amendment to make it so the small school districts get equal treatment in funding that bigger school districts do. Statewide Prop Two would extend for 10 years, county, city, town and village board’s ability to remove debt limit for the construction of sewer facilities. There are also local propositions. Lindley and Addison have props on making the highway superintendent’s job either appointed or elected. Then over in Pulteney there is a prop to increase the library budget.