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Gov. Cuomo and Statewide Democrats Win

November 4, 2014

ALBANY, NY – Governor Cuomo and Lieutenant Governor-elect Kathy Hochul are the winners of tonight’s election.  Also, State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, are being reported as winning their races as well.

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver was pleased with this news.  “On behalf of my Assembly Majority Democratic members, we look forward to working with Governor Cuomo and with all our colleagues to continue the fight for a higher minimum wage, a DREAM Act for our children, increased funding for our neediest schools, the creation of jobs throughout upstate and the enactment of the full Women’s Equality Agenda, including protecting a woman’s right to choose,” Silver stated.  “These and other issues important to our state’s residents must be addressed to build up the middle class and truly keep the Empire State as a beacon of hope and opportunity for people from around the globe.”

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