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Hogan Endorses Hornell Common Council Candidates

October 27, 2023

From Steuben County Democrat Chair Shawn Hogan: “It looks like we will be subjected to rolling endorsements from Mayor Buckley. I will make it easy for you as Steuben County Democratic Chairman and as former Hornell Mayor for 32 years, I wholeheartedly endorse our Democratic Candidates for Common Council. New voices, new ideas for the City of Hornell. We need various ideas and opinions. Please vote for balanced government. The Democratic candidates have walked their wards, they have met the voters, they will be your voice. I respectfully request your support for Melissa Ponticello 1st Ward, Jose Cruzado 4 th Ward, John Clinton Bradley 6th Ward, Sean Stewart 8th Ward and John Carbone 10th Ward. Vote for open, transparent governance.”

Shawn D. Hogan

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