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Kays Leaves Hornell School Board, Scavo Takes Kays Seat

Rich Scavo Takes Kays Seat On Hornell School Board
June 28, 2014

HORNELL, NY – Hornell School Superintendent Doug Wyant says school board member Mike Kays has resigned from the school board, due to the fact that Kays is moving.

Wyant says the Hornell Board of Education was faced with three possible options:

1. Hold a special election to fill the unexpired term of Mike’s board seat. There was only one year left on his term.
2. Leave the seat open until the next election, which would be next May.
3. Appoint someone to fill the unexpired term until the next election (May 2015).

Wyant says that instead of having a special election, the Board decided to appoint Rich to fill the unexpired term until the next election. “Rich has five years of experience on the board,”” Wyant told WLEA “Rather than go to the expense of another election, Rich was a logical choice.” Wyant believes the school board made the correct decision. “The experience Rich has from his 5 years on the board made this the best choice for the board. Rich will take over the seat vacated by Mike’s resignation after his term is completed June 30.”

Wyant also noted that he spoke with Ralph Berardi about filling the position. Wyant says that Berardi said he would do it if called upon. “If Ralph was selected, he would need to run again next May if he wanted to continue,” said Wyant.

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