May 10th, 2018
HORNELL, NY – After receiving a heads up on a possible traffic hazard from Alderman Rich Argentieri, Police Chief Ted Murray officially informed the Board of Public Safety Thursday morning about the limited visibility of oncoming traffic for motorists turning left from Oak Street onto River Street when cars are parked there. All board members were in agreement with the Chief that the area is accident prone and a No Parking sign will soon be in place on that section.
Fire Chief Dan Smith announced that his department will soon be receiving a new ambulance. Smith explained that it’s actually not a completely new ambulance, but a remount of the old shell onto a new chassis. “A new ambulance costs around $126,000,” explained Smith, “by just purchasing the new chassis and reusing the box, we are saving the city around $40,000.”
Smith also wanted to remind residents that while open fires are allowed in city limits, they will be enforcing the ordinance that they can be no more than 2 feet wide and 2 feet high. Also if any neighbors complain, even though the fire may be within code, you will be asked to extinguish it.
With the warm weather approaching, Mayor John Buckley wants to remind people about bicycle, motorcycle, and skateboarding safety in the city. “This is a good time to get the message out and remind bicyclists, motorists and pedestrians to be cognizant of the increased activity around them and take extra precautions to that effect.”
And finally permission was given to the Amvet Riders Association to hold their first annual Bike Show in the city. The event will be held in the parking lot directly behind the club on July 7th from 4pm to 8pm.