January 17, 2022
Also, no school at Canaseraga or Jasper-Troupburg.
HORNELL, NY – From Hornell Schools:
With covid cases, other bugs and student/staff absences at a high combined with piles of snow that keep growing and will be blowing, we will have our first SNOVID Day tomorrow, Tuesday, January 18th.
Stay warm, stay safe, feel better and we will see you Wednesday!
Jeremy P. Palotti
Superintendent of Schools, Hornell City School District
CANISTEO, NY – Canisteo-Greenwood Superintendent Tom Crook says that after much consideration for blowing and drifting snow overnight and a key highway department being down a few trucks, Canisteo-Greenwood Central School will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January 18th. That includes Canisteo Christian Pre-K, which is also closed.
Also, there will be no school at Arkport Central.