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Nov 1st: Hornell School Update, Another HSS Employee Has Covid

November 1, 2020

HORNELL, NY – From Hornell School Superintendent Jeremy Palotti:

Additional HHS employee, Intermediate School student test positive for COVID-19; Intermediate and High Schools move to all remote learning for 11/2, North Hornell and Bryant Schools remain open.

The Hornell City School District learned this weekend that an additional employee at the Hornell High
School has tested positive for COVID-19. This employee is connected to the previously-known
positive case and has been in quarantine since the district learned of the initial case, said
Superintendent Jeremy Palotti. Additionally, the district learned that a student in the Intermediate
School has tested positive.
“When we learned that this new employee began experiencing symptoms last week, we began
isolating and excluding what would be their close contacts, both students and employees,” Palotti wrote
in an email to staff earlier today. “As a rule, we remain in communication with those that tested positive
and those that were considered contacts of the positive. This communication, especially with the
contacts, has helped us be ahead of testing and has allowed us to proactively begin the isolating and
excluding earlier than would typically occur from the DOH.”
The Intermediate School student was in attendance Thursday for a short period of time before going
home. Students connected with this student will be subject to quarantine by the Department of Health.

Also, please note: No Hornell BOCES student should attend Wildwood tomorrow (11/2) or self-transport. All Hornell BOCES students will be virtual tomorrow.

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