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Alleged Underage Drinking Party In Wayland, Leads To Assault Charges

March 20, 2025

State Police report that there have been six teens charged after an alleged underage drinking party in Wayland last weekend. According to Troopers, three 17 year old girls, a 15 year old girl and an 18 year old girl, have been charged with 3rd degree assault. State Police say the five girls are seen on video taken at this underage drinking party, allegedly assaulting another girl. Officials say video evidence shows that it all started as a personal dispute between a 17 year old girl and the assault victim, and then the four other girls reportedly joined in and assaulted the victim. The 18 year old girl reportedly involved, is also charged with endangering the welfare of a child. The alleged host of the drinking party, a 19 year old male, from Wayland, is charged with 1st degree unlawfully dealing with a child and breaking the Steuben County social host law. The 19 year old boy and the 18 year old girl will have to appear in Wayland Town Court in early April.

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