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Carl Paladino Sends Out Memo About State GOP Leader Ed Cox

Carl Paladino Denounces State GOP Chairman Ed Cox
January 15, 2014

BUFFALO, NY – Former Republican candidate for governor, Carl Paladino, sent out the following memo today:

To: New York State Republicans and Conservatives
Ed Cox, Republican State Chairman
Rob Astorino, Westchester County Executive
All New York State Republican Senators
All New York State Republican Assemblymen
All New York State Republican County Chairmen
All Members of the New York Tea Party

CC: Everybody Else

From: Carl P. Paladino

Re: Ed Cox and the RINOs Running Off Donald Trump

Above is an article that appeared in the Saturday Buffalo News, exposing the secret Republican In Name Only (RINO) effort to block Donald Trump from running for Governor, memorializing why the Republican Party (GOP) rank and file in upstate New York and Long Island are livid with RINO leadership in the State and County GOPs and within their elected legislature. The treacherous RINOs seek to sell them out again, but this time their underbelly has been exposed.

In the meeting with Trump last Friday, 13 County Chairmen, 10 legislators and many others intended to explore Trump’s disposition to run for Governor this year. Ed Cox, Chairman of the State Party, refused to attend. He had already consecrated Rob Astorino with the GOPs endorsement, announcing for three weeks that Astorino was running when in fact Rob was saying he hadn’t made up his mind.

Cox had previously and publicly stated that there would be an open process for the nomination but he never vetted Rob to the Republican electorate. Cox just “assumed,” as he did in 2010. Now, allied with Dean Skelos, Skelos Puppeteer Joe Mondello, master shoplifter Vinney Reda, Cuomo bird dog and greed driven lobbyist Al D’Amato, and other RINOs, Cox has sought to orchestrate Rob Astorino into a shallow, poorly funded campaign that he will certainly lose.

Rob Astorino is a good and sincere man of character with all of the values of a good Republican and Conservative. His problems are a lack of money and name recognition, which he could have attained with “free press” by rallying and energizing his base with a denunciation of RINOs Brian Kolb for his complicity with Sheldon Silver and Dean Skelos for giving Cuomo the SAFE Act.

Cox played Astorino and told him not to go after Skelos, Kolb and the other RINOs in the State GOP. Cox sees himself as part of the National Republican establishment, which, after giving the Republican baton to two losers, McCain and Romney, is quickly becoming irrelevant, nationally and in New York.

Why does Cox seek to maintain the status quo, re-elect Cuomo and protract the RINO complicity with the liberals to continue the feeding frenzy at the public trough? It’s either treachery or a naive attempt to both placate the GOP electorate and at the same time allow his RINO friends to continue in power.

Albany reporters have exposed the close ties (which were never denied) between Nassau Republican County Chairman Joe Mondello, Al D’Amato and Andrew Cuomo. Now, Mondello, Cox, and the others are doing Cuomo’s bidding by trying to block the only Republican who has the money, the name recognition and the values that will beat Cuomo in November.

Fifty Republican leaders from across the state paid their own way to meet with Trump. Cox, Mondello, Skelos and others tried to kill the meeting. County Chairs were getting texts and telephone calls strong-arming them up until midnight the night before.

Worse, even during the meeting Cox and his cronies were texting over and over the attendees who refused to be bullied. Everybody at the meeting knew it, as vibrating cell phones bounced around the Trump Organization conference table. After the meeting, Cox demanded all chairs who attended the meeting to come to a hastily-organized meeting at the nearby University Club. Several chairs simply blew him off, but some attended.

According to chairs who attended, Cox told boldface lies about Trump and the effort to draft him. He told them the successful businessman was a liar, lazy, and would leave them hanging in the end. He was insulting, antagonistic and uncharacteristically rude. Cox even had the temerity to tell the group that Cuomo is deathly afraid of an Astorino run. Some of the chairs in the room laughed out loud.

The RINOs’ schoolboy gambit to block Trump from running for Governor has left the rank and file questioning: Is Ed Cox working with the RINOs against the interests of the GOP and all New Yorkers? Is he part of the GOP insider cabal working to preserve Cuomo’s governorship? Today Cox demanded that Trump get out and travel the State if he is serious about a run for governor this year. He has made no such demand on Astorino to meet the grassroots and tea party electorate across the State. The hypocrisy is what has made the rank and file in upstate and Long Island feel disengaged from valueless Party leadership.

The RINOs must be severed or there is no fixing the New York State Republican Party. It provides no opposition government and is broken, beyond repair. Must it be destroyed and rebuilt? If the RINOs are not excised, and if Trump is not the candidate, the Conservative Party deserves a chance at being the opposition party on Row B.

Ed Cox is responsible for this mess. Once a chairman who thought first about the Republican Party, he is now trying to go down in history as the Republican who ran off Donald Trump. We are defined by the decisions we make.

Ed Cox must do a serious and immediate 180 or he is not fit to run the State GOP and must go, along with Skelos, Kolb, and all the other RINO sellouts.

To all grassroots rank and file of the Republican and Conservative parties: get ready to mount up and ride to the sound of the guns. It’s Concord Redux. They have fired the first shots, this time at Donald Trump. A leader can’t walk between the raindrops. Make a decision Ed. Lead, follow or get out of the way.

Strap in for the ride, folks.

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